Thursday, April 19, 2012

April is the Best Month of the Year!

Life has been a little bit crazy lately. Between the boy, grad school, cheerleading, Easter, my birthday, and my real job I have been a tad busy. But here is a short update on life, lately.


So, anybody who knows me knows how much I LOVE Easter. I love everything about it, the Easter story, Easter Sunday worship, the Easter egg hunt with my cousin's kids, the awesome food and spending time with my family. This Easter was a little different, good, but different. Instead of going to Sunrise Service with my family (which had always been a requirement before) I went to church with Greg at First United Methodist Church, Lewisville. It was good, but I did miss singing Morning Has Broken next to my dad and Up From the Grave He Arose next to my sister. I guess change is inevitable. After church we rushed out to Royce City (because they were waiting on us to eat) where my mom and dad were hosting Easter for the first time. There were so many people there. It was so much fun. I also got to have a fantastic strawberry birthday cake. It was a good, good day.

My Birthday:

So, I turned 29 on April 11th. Not quite as scary as 30, but still, I'm getting up there. I went out to eat with (most of) my favorite people on April 9th to celebrate because I thought I was going to have to work on the 11th. We went to Whiskey Cake...if you have not been, GO! It's fantastic. I had fun hanging out with my friends and talking and laughing. Thanks to everyone for coming!

(My friend Laurie Endsley brought her 'real' camera and she sent me this picture. So talented.)

On my actual birthday I had to work but I did get a special suprise during 3rd period that made my day all the more fantastic (because birthday's are always fantastic!).

After I worked late, I went over to Greg's and he made dinner which was a great end to the day. 

Old Friends:

Last weekend my friend Evie was in town to run the Big D Marathon. So, the night before we met up with some of our other friends from college who live in the area and had dinner at Maggiano's and then went to Pokey O's for dessert. AND if you have never been there, GO! It was such a fun night hanging out with Evie, Corey, Jessica, Matt, Courtney and Greg. Here are some pictures from the night: 

Red Raiders:
Me, Evie, Jessica, Courtney

Best Friends: Courtney and Me

At dinner

The Gym:

The gym and I have not been friends lately. I just can't bring myself to get out of bed and go. I know I need to get back into the habit but it has been disrupted by early morning cheer practices or late night grad school classes. And really those are just excuses. I have goals I want to accomplish and by sleeping in I am not accomplishing anything. Oh well. I am hoping once Spring Show is over things will get easier. I will keep you updated. I might even steal the idea of posting monthly goals from Life is a Run. So look for those in my next post.

And on a more exciting note...only 29 more days of school until summer. I have officially hit survival mode.



  1. Do it! Monthly goals are awwwesome! Such a happy update! =) Totally made me drool too =)

  2. I had so much fun with you guys too!! I think the monthly goal idea is awesome
